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All Of Your Options

All hearing aids are NOT created equally. 

Some are better at separating speech from noise, other give you a more natural sound. Some have easy, stable connectivity, while others can make the smallest in-the-canal devices. If your hearing clinic only offers one or two brands, you might be missing out on a getting a device that is better suited to your needs. 

We offer the full range of devices from Signia, Starkey, Widex, Phonak, Unitron, Oticon, ReSound, Beltone and Bernafon. This means we can find you the best device for your individual needs.

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Most modern hearing aids can connect to your phone and other wireless devices. Connecting wirelessly allows you to stream phone calls, music and other audio directly to your hearing aids. This cuts down the background noise and gives you the clearest signal.

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Rechargeable hearing aids are becoming increasingly popular. Just pop them in the charger overnight and you’re ready to go in the morning. No more fiddling to try to change the batteries. No more waste with little single-use batteries getting thrown out every week. 

As part of our commitment to reduce waste, we have made our rechargeable hearing aids more affordable so that our clients can often access this great technology for the same price as conventional battery powered hearing aids. 

We have made our rechargeable hearing aids more affordable so that our clients can often access this great technology for the same price as conventional battery powered hearing aids.

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No Beige Bananas

When someone starts talking about hearing aids, people often picture the big old beige bananas behind the ears. A lot of people are understandably turned off by that idea. Fortunately, all of the hearing aid manufacturers pay design gurus big bucks so that you can get great hearing results from nice looking devices.


Find out a Little more?

Hearing aids aren't the best option for every hearing loss. Find out more about some of the other hearing devices available at The Little Hearing Co.

We look forward to
hearing from you

Contact us today about booking an appointment
with our audiologist, Ben.

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